
After Being Stood Up By Her Date, The Remainder Of The Evening Turned Into One Of The Worst Nights Of Her Life

gorosi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Being stood up on a date is a disheartening experience that many of us dread. If you’ve ever found yourself on the receiving end of a no-show, you know that it leaves you feeling rejected, embarrassed, and unconfident about yourself.

For one woman, being stood up not only cost her her self-esteem but also cost her a significant chunk of money. TikToker @gracizzlefontizzle is detailing the unfortunate series of events that commenced after she was stood up on a date, fueling her belief that bad luck comes in threes.

When she first moved to Nashville, Tennessee, she did not have much experience with dating but still decided to give it a try.

She met this guy through mutual friends, and he asked her out a few times before she finally agreed to go on a date with him.

They made plans to meet at a restaurant for dinner. As she left her house to meet up with him, she texted him to let him know she would be there in about 25 minutes.

When she arrived, she informed him she was at the restaurant. He did not text her back. After waiting for 10, 20, and finally, 30 minutes, she still hadn’t received a response from him.

Clearly, she was being stood up. So, she called her friend Tatum and headed to the parking garage to get in her car.

As she maneuvered her way out of the parking garage, she drove toward an invisible wall consisting of wires that separated the top and bottom levels of the parking garage. She thought it was a ramp that led to the bottom level.

She ended up slamming into the wall, completely destroying the brand-new car she had received two months prior as a college graduation present. The airbags deployed and hit her hands, causing them to bleed.

gorosi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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