
Your Garlic Will Stay Fresh, Flavorful, And Last For Months With These Proper Storage Techniques

Now, for peeled and chopped garlic, the refrigerator is the best place for storage. Wrap peeled cloves in plastic or put them in a sealed bag/container.

You can keep chopped garlic in an airtight container for up to three days. Afterward, it will start to go bad, which you can see from its discoloration.

If you cook the garlic in olive oil prior to transferring it to the fridge, it can last up to a week. It’s important to note that raw garlic should never be stored in uncooked oil, as it will quickly become contaminated with a toxin that causes botulism. This rare but serious illness can lead to muscle paralysis.

Try out these techniques so you can enjoy your garlic at its best!

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