
When Scorching Temperatures Make You Feel Too Hot To Bother, Here Are Some Shortcuts For Still Looking Cute This Summer

Anna Khomulo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever reached that point in the summer when the heat is so intense that it seems to strip away all your concerns, even ones about your appearance?

Some days are too hot to bother with, and you feel like you don’t have the energy to put on a complex outfit.

There also may be days in the summer when you take the ‘lay back and relax’ motto of the season too seriously and are too lazy to look put together during your summer days.

If you’re like me and enjoy being a bit lazier during the summer, here are some shortcuts to still looking cute and staying fashionable throughout the season.

Switch out your winter and summer clothes

I realize that transitioning your wardrobe is a big task, especially for a lazy person, but I promise that life will be much easier once you get it done as early as possible.

There’s nothing worse than trying to throw on a quick outfit and having to rummage through your attic, basement, or storage for all your summer clothes. Make it so that you can simply pull things out of your closet or dresser and easily access all your summer clothes.

Wear dresses

One thing I love about dresses is that they speak to themselves. Instead of spending 20 minutes or more going through my tops and pants, figuring out which ones to combine for an outfit, I can just throw on a sundress and some shoes and be done.

Anna Khomulo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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