
Veterinarians Are Urging People Not To Buy These Dog Breeds Because They’re Prone To Serious Health Issues

Still, despite the expensive price tag, these kinds of dogs are just as if not more prone to poor health than others.

“I am effectively saying that it is unethical to purposely reproduce animals that are specifically designed to have serious structural deformities,” wrote veterinary dentist Dr. Fraser Hale in his article, “Stop Brachycephalism, Now!”

“The extension of this thinking would be to ban a great number of breeds. Oh, the backlash! My word! But when one looks at it strictly from the animal’s perspective, there is no valid, logical justification for brachycephalism.”

Dr. Fraser is not the only veterinarian speaking out against the popularity and uprise of brachycephalic dogs. Some experts have been warning people against purchasing them for years.

For instance, a few years ago, the British Veterinary Association (BVA) made statements urging people not to stop the demand for these dogs, as their health issues have become more apparent, leading to more animal suffering.

While brachycephalic dogs can be adorable and extremely sweet, it’s important to remember that when you purchase one, you’re taking home a dog that is extremely susceptible to health issues, and you should be prepared to pay for your decision, both financially and emotionally.

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