
This Itty Bitty Plant Was Thought To Be Extinct, But It Was Recently Rediscovered In Vermont

Previously, it was believed that extreme floods, invasive species, and infrastructure development in Vermont’s floodplains wiped out the plant for good.

“The fact that the newly rediscovered population of false mermaid weed has been able to persist in good quality habitat—on both private and protected land in Addison County—for over a century is a sign that good stewardship by landowners and conservation organizations can really make a difference,” said the department.

Since the plant only blooms for a short period, the rediscovered patch won’t be able to be studied in more detail until the next year.

It is the hope that botanists can figure out how to improve conservation efforts for false mermaid weed and help it thrive in the future. The latest discovery highlights the importance of monitoring biodiversity.

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