
This Is How You Can Add Sneakers To Your Outfit Without Looking Too Casual

Victoria Fox - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I don’t know about you, but I love wearing a good pair of sneakers whenever I can.

Sneakers are often the epitome of comfort and stability when it comes to footwear. If you have a good enough quality sneaker, it feels like you can walk for hours in all kinds of settings.

Since moving to a big city, I wear sneakers around 80% of the time since I’m doing a lot of walking and want to be comfortable. I also like how a solid sneaker protects my feet from any city grime. A cute pair of black boots will always be a favorite of mine, but nothing keeps me more comfortable during a night out than sneakers.

But here’s the thing about sneakers – they’re casual shoes. It can be really hard to assemble an outfit that’s more formal or even semi-formal with sneakers that don’t make them look out of place.

If you’re a sneaker lover and want to wear them more often but are afraid of always looking too casual, here are some ways you can dress them up.

First things first – don’t be afraid to combine corporate-looking clothes with sneakers. Sure, you may not be able to wear sneakers in the office, but if you want to start incorporating the “corpcore” aesthetic into your daily streetwear, cool sneakers are a must.

Sneakers can look very cool with work pants and more formal trousers if their height is complimentary to the hemline and the colors coordinate.

When you want to wear sneakers as part of a more exciting outfit versus your usual athleisure wear or go-to t-shirt and jeans pairing, consider purchasing a pair of sneakers that have a pop of color.

Many sneaker brands make really cute and comfortable shoes that come in fun colors like bright red, blue, yellow, etc. Wearing these with slightly more elevated and formal clothes in your closet can create a statement outfit and look great on a night out.

Victoria Fox – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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