
There Are Five Different Conflict Resolution Styles, And Knowing Your Own Can Help You Communicate Better In Your Relationship

For instance, if they’re arguing with their partner, they want to immediately work things out with their input. If they’re arguing with a group of friends, they want to meet up with everyone and talk it out.

The Accommodating One

Unfortunately, this is the category I tend to fall under. People who choose to resolve conflict by accommodating the people they’re arguing with tend to have major anxiety regarding conflict and tension. Therefore, instead of trying to work things out, they’d rather succumb to their opponent and accommodate them, no matter how they feel.

This is another problematic conflict resolution type, as it’s easy to be taken advantage of when all you do is accommodate others.

The Competitive One

Someone with a competitive conflict style likes to debate. They like to stick up for themselves and often have very clever responses whenever someone confronts them.

You have to be careful when dealing with someone with this kind of conflict resolution style, as it can feel hard to get a word in. If that’s the case, ask them to hear you out, and let them know when you feel like they’re turning things into a competition.

The Compromiser

People with this conflict resolution style are often very caring and want what’s best for everyone. When they’re experiencing conflict with someone like a partner, they’ll work hard to figure out a compromise that leaves both parties happy. This kind of conflict resolution style will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel and learn to adapt.

Each one of these conflict resolution styles has its pros and cons, but either way, figuring out which one you identify with and telling your loved ones about it can help you communicate in the future.

Which conflict resolution style speaks to you?

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