
The Mary Celeste Ship Set Out For Italy In 1872 But Was Mysteriously Discovered Abandoned One Month Later, With No Signs Of Life On Board

One of the theories that spread in the 19th century was that the crew members had drunk some of the alcohol on board and mutinied.

Another was that the crew had feared the fumes from the alcohol would cause an explosion, leading them to abandon the ship. There was no evidence to support either of these theories.

The fact that the boat was in relatively good condition made the desertion even more peculiar. Researchers believed that the Mary Celeste was abandoned the same morning that the last entry in the logbook was made.

They suggested that a faulty chronometer, rough waters, and a clogged pump could’ve made Captain Briggs order everyone to leave the ship.

Because of the inaccurate chronometer, Briggs was actually 120 miles west of where he thought he was. So, he had to change course to try to find land. The pump also wasn’t working due to coal and debris from construction since the ship had been recently renovated.

Plus, the storm from the previous night would explain why several feet of water were in the boat. All these factors may have compelled Briggs to issue an order to abandon the ship.

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