
She’s Threatening To Leave Her Fiancé If He Continues Competing In Bodybuilding - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman and her fiancé, who is 30, have been together for four years, and four months ago, they also got engaged.

Ever since they first met, her fiancé has always done bodybuilding as a hobby. Then, two years ago, he began competing in bodybuilding competitions.

But, more recently, she’s been getting sick and tired of dealing with the demands of competitive bodybuilding, which she believes is a “wildly selfish sport.”

“It encompasses three to four hours per day in the gym – excluding AM fasted cardio – six to eight scheduled pre-prepped meals per day, intense mental fortitude, rigorous stress on the body, injecting steroids, and generally one’s life gets put on hold for 14 to 30 weeks at a time,” she explained.

Aside from bodybuilding, her fiancé is also a fitness trainer online and has garnered enough followers to be a small social media influencer. So, his whole world revolves around fitness.

She’s always supported his aspirations in the fitness industry, too, both mentally and even financially. Lately, it’s all been paying off since her fiancé now earns more than she does – and she already makes a high income in her field.

Still, she can’t help but feel exhausted from bodybuilding. Throughout the past year and a half of their relationship, her fiancé has been in “prep” for competitions about 75% of the time. And while his passion has never wavered, she is seriously burnt out.

“I deleted my Instagram because I get tired of the constant vapid posts,” she revealed.

“He’s a true menace during prep – constantly overstimulated, cranky, constantly in pain, can’t help me around the house, can’t engage in any [romance], can’t even be touched hardly, can’t hold a conversation.” – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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