
She’s Refusing To Shave Her 10-Year-Old Son’s Mullet For Her Sister’s Destination Wedding And Is Getting Called Disrespectful

“I told her it is my son’s choice how he would like his hair, and we will not be cutting it off.”

She reminded her sister that they had other relatives who would likely show up to her wedding with mullets, but she didn’t care. Her sister found the haircut disrespectful and specifically wanted to make sure her son wasn’t showing up to her wedding with a mullet.

She’s been incredibly frustrated, as her son’s hair makes him happy, and she doesn’t want to make him change it because her sister is being extra controlling.

The entire debacle has made her want to skip the wedding entirely.

“I really don’t even want to go due to her being controlling and the cost of what we will be spending for her second wedding,” she admitted.

“It should not be as big of a deal, in my opinion.”

Should she still go to her sister’s wedding, even if her son keeps his mullet?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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