
She’s Refusing To Help Pay For Her Sister’s Wedding Anymore Since She Wasn’t Even Included In The Bridal Party

While she tried to put her feelings aside, she was hurt by what her sister did, and being excluded from her bridal party bothered her.

To make matters worse, after the family dinner, her sister acted like nothing was wrong and continued to ask her to spend more money on things for her wedding, like the photographer and venue deposit.

“I told her that I felt disrespected and that I wasn’t comfortable paying for the wedding anymore,” she recalled.

“She got upset and said that I was being petty and that, as her sister, I should understand and support her decisions. My parents have called me, saying I’m ruining her big day and should just let it go and help her out.”

Should she reconsider giving her sister some money for her wedding or stand her ground?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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