
She’s Refusing To Help Pay For Her Sister’s Wedding Anymore Since She Wasn’t Even Included In The Bridal Party

Spectral-Design - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s the worst when you do so much for a friend or family, and they don’t do the bare minimum to thank you or make you feel appreciated.

One woman offered to help her sister, a bride-to-be, cover some of her wedding expenses but took back her offer when she was excluded from the bridal party.

She’s 26 and has a 29-year-old sister who will be getting married in a few months. She and her sister have been close since they were little, so when her sister got engaged, she couldn’t have been more thrilled.

Before her sister even announced who would be in her bridal party, she immediately began fulfilling maid of honor roles, helping her plan and even offering to pay for certain aspects of the wedding. She has a good job in finance and wanted to use some of her money to support her sister.

Then, things quickly took a turn and went downhill.

“A couple of weeks ago, we had a family dinner where my sister announced her bridal party,” she explained.

“To my shock, she introduced her best friend as her maid of honor and included three other friends as bridesmaids. I wasn’t even mentioned.”

She asked her sister why she wasn’t included as a member of the bridal party, and her sister gave her lame excuses.

She said her best friend was “more deserving” of the maid of honor role and that she wanted to keep the rest of the bridal party small and simple.

Spectral-Design – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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