
She’s Getting Called A Bad Friend For No Longer Sharing Her Car With Her Roommate

Well, Sarah didn’t understand her feelings and just became upset with her. Sarah even accused her of being a selfish, bad friend who isn’t empathetic to her situation.

This has left her feeling really guilty, too, because she understands that her roommate is in a difficult position.

“But at the same time, I don’t think it’s fair for her to expect me to share something as valuable and important as my car,” she vented.

Their friends have since found out about the situation, too, and while some think she had a right to set a boundary with Sarah, others think she needs to be more understanding.

So now, she’s unsure if refusing to share her car with her roommate anymore really does make her a jerk.

Can you understand why the thought of sharing her practically new car is nerve-wracking? Did she have a right to set a boundary with Sarah? What would you have done?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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