
She’s Considering Divorcing Her Husband After Only One Year Due To Her Spoiled And Lazy Stepkids

She raised her two children to have structure, as they have a solid routine and are responsible for completing specific daily chores. Her stepchildren, however, lack routine and refuse to do chores.

“[My kids] are often made to clean up behind my stepkids or deal with their bullying because they’re rude and think they’re above everyone else,” she said.

“I’ve tried to set boundaries with them when they’re here, but it’s just made them not want to come here, and that’s hurting their relationship with their father.”

While her husband tries to stand by her and discipline his kids, it’s hard for him, as he shares custody of them and doesn’t want to push them away.

She, however, is at her breaking point. She feels that her and her children’s quality of life is being affected, and it’s gotten to where she feels a divorce may be the only way to put an end to their suffering.

“I don’t want my husband to suffer with them not wanting to come here, but my children’s quality of life is suffering too,” she added.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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