
She’s Considering Divorcing Her Husband After Only One Year Due To Her Spoiled And Lazy Stepkids

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you don’t live with someone or someone and their family before marrying them, you may be in for a big surprise after you tie the knot and start sharing daily routines.

One woman is considering divorcing her husband after only a year because she can’t stand how her stepchildren behave.

She’s 28 and has two kids, a preteen daughter and a young son. One year ago, she married her 32-year-old husband, who has two kids of the same age.

She and her husband dated for a few years before getting married. However, because of their schedules and kids, they lived separately until they tied the knot.

While she and her husband’s kids met several times and their blended family had spent a few nights under the same roof before their marriage, it wasn’t until they officially moved in together that things went awry.

Her main issue is with her two stepchildren, who have been very difficult to live with.

“For the most part, it’s all perfect except when his kids are around,” she explained.

“They’re disrespectful and lack any manners. Hygiene is a big issue for both of them. They do not clean up after themselves; they expect everything to be handed to them, and quite frankly, they’re spoiled and lazy.”

While she feels bad for feeling such a distaste toward her stepchildren, their bad behavior is giving her anxiety, as her two kids behave quite differently, and she worries the bad behavior will rub off on them.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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