
She Was Supposed To Hang Out With Her Dad For The First Time In Three Years, But He Brought His New Girlfriend And Made Her Feel Like A Third Wheel

Still, that just made her dad even angrier, and he straight-up ignored her from then on. So, she decided not to talk to him, either.

Once she eventually returned home, she also told her mom all about what happened, and understandably, her mom was furious. Her mom called her dad to talk about the situation, too.

“After, he called me, saying I was selfish and I shouldn’t have said anything because it wasn’t a big deal,” she vented.

“I feel bad because I ruined that day with him.”

And now, she’s been left wondering if her dad was in the wrong here or if she really was.

How would you feel if your dad did something like that after not seeing you for three years? Does she have a right to be upset?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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