
She Warned A Woman About Her Ex-Husband, Who Was Gathering Horrible Ideas For Revenge Online Following Their Divorce

Rymden - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

How would you feel if you found out that your current partner or ex-partner was posting evil things about you behind your back on the internet?

One woman recently saved another from humiliation and emotional trauma after sending her the revengeful posts her ex-husband was making about her online.

Constance Hall is a blogger from Australia who recently posted about the time a burner account she made on Facebook saved a stranger from suffering at the hands of her ex.

“Almost a year ago, I had set up a male burner account [named] Adam to gain entry into some Australian toxic men’s groups on Facebook for podcast research,” wrote Constance in her viral Facebook post.

“While researching, I came across a post of a man asking for advice on how to screw over his ex-Mrs. for breaking up with him.”

The man mentioned in his post that he still had his ex-wife’s house keys and could use them to get revenge on her but had to be sneaky about it since they were still battling things out in family court.

Unsurprisingly to Constance, she read a series of repulsive and horrible comments from other men in this group, encouraging the poster to go to the bathroom in his ex-wife’s drawers while she was away.

An extra scary comment encouraged him to tell his ex-wife to take their kids on a weekend getaway and, while they’re gone, change her house’s locks and take it back since “possession of the family home is very influential in family court proceedings.”

“I got really invested [and] had to find [this woman] and warn her, wrote Constance.

Rymden – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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