
She Wants To Send Her Three Mentally Disabled Children To Live With Their Dad Since She Can’t Deal

“I can’t handle him…and I feel like I’m hurting my other kids and their lives and development by all of the mental illness the other kids have.”

Her youngest kids have no disabilities; she’s positive about that. Her little kids and oldest ones are so different it’s like night and day to her.

She realizes that the four kids she had with her ex were never normal at all now that she has a comparison to them.

While she feels awful for sending three of her kids away to live with her ex, she feels even worse that her youngest children will have to grow up to live in this nightmare of a life.

“Some days, my husband and I can’t even work. We are so wound up in doctors for these other kids,” she continued.

“We have become slaves in a way to their care and constant maintenance. They do not clean and ruin and destroy my home to the point I’ve gotten rid of about everything besides very basic things. It’s no way to live.”

“I know I’m terrible for wanting to leave and to send them off to their dad for good. But I can’t live like this much longer I can’t hold it together.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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