
She Wants To Send Her Three Mentally Disabled Children To Live With Their Dad Since She Can’t Deal

Claudia Hi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is 36 and has four children from her first marriage. Six years ago, she got divorced from the father of those four kids, and she deeply regrets even having children with him in the first place.

Back when she had her children, she was happy about it, but then they grew up to all be exactly like their terrible dad.

Her ex has ADHD, and his mom is severely mentally ill, so she suspects things run in that side of the family, and that’s why her kids are struggling.

Her oldest son is 18 and has Autism as well as Aspergers. He loves to play video games but goes nuclear and gets violent when he doesn’t do well with them.

He has gotten physical with her before, and she’s terrified of him and his behavior. Her ex refuses to help get him a counselor and thinks his violence over video games isn’t worrisome. Sometimes, her son slams the walls of his bedroom so hard that he creates holes in them.

Her second child is a 15-year-old daughter with a low IQ coupled with a learning disability. Her daughter will not clean up her bedroom and is a complete slob.

Her daughter also steals everything and anything from her, like snacks, makeup, clothes, and jewelry, so she keeps things locked up.

“She causes trouble at school and with boys,” she explained. “She has been to a mental hospital for how she’s spoken to a school counselor, and she’s had us investigated because she does terrible crap on her phone. She has an IEP. But she sees no value in school.”

“My 11-year-old has ADHD. She doesn’t stop talking she can’t sit still. She is sweeter and the easiest to get along with. I am thankful for her, except she can have her streaks, but she’s tolerable. She doesn’t do much bad, but she can overeat if she is bored, so I have to watch everything I keep in the home as she’s in the 98th percentile for her height and weight.”

Claudia Hi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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