
She Wants To Get A Postnup After Her Husband’s Ex Claimed They Have A Daughter Together

“He is still in shock, and one of the first things I do is come at him with a postnup, making it seem like I’m preparing to divorce him,” she said.

Despite that, she really believes the postnuptial is reasonable. Not to mention, she’s spent the past two months being really supportive and trying to help her husband manage the news and his newfound fatherhood.

So, she simply doesn’t understand why wanting her own peace of mind is so terrible.

“But one of my friends also said that I’m kind of a [jerk] for bringing up a postnup, and it’s not like my husband is likely to die anytime soon that makes me really need this,” she vented.

This has all left her wondering if asking for a postnuptial agreement was reasonable or really just a jerky move.

Do you think wanting a postnuptial agreement in this situation is justified or not? Did she ask at the wrong time? What would you have done?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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