
She Wants To Get A Postnup After Her Husband’s Ex Claimed They Have A Daughter Together

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently married, but recently, her husband’s ex-girlfriend showed up out of the blue with some shocking news. Apparently, his ex claimed to have had his baby 13 years ago, and now, their daughter wanted to get to know her husband.

For some context, her husband and his ex-girlfriend broke up right after they graduated from high school and went on to attend different colleges. So, they were already split up when his ex supposedly found out she was pregnant.

“And since his ex wanted to go to med school, her parents offered to take care of the baby but apparently banned her from telling my husband,” she revealed.

Now, though, the cat’s out of the bag. She’s also completely supportive of her husband getting to know his daughter. Still, she has some pretty big financial concerns.

When she and her husband tied the knot, she had more assets than him. She still earns more than he does, and ensuring financial stability in her life is one of her top priorities.

“The thought of something happening to him and losing part of my assets to this child terrifies me,” she explained.

To be clear, she never cared about sharing things with her husband in the past because, in her mind, that’s simply a part of marriage. But she did not sign up to support his daughter, too.

That’s why she now wants to get a postnuptial agreement to protect her personal assets in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.

Well, once she told her husband about the idea, he had a different opinion. In fact, he became really frustrated and pointed out how he had just found out he had a daughter and didn’t get to be in her life for 13 years.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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