
She Wants To Divorce Her Husband After He Skipped Out On Getting Back Surgery

They finally went to a consultation with a surgeon and booked her husband to have surgery to get his back fixed.

Her husband went in on the morning of his surgery, and as he was getting prepped, he literally got up and walked out.

Her husband promises the pain isn’t that bad, so his plan is to keep doing what he’s been doing. Not only is her husband content with failing to help around the house or with their kids, but he’s fine with not doing anything to improve his situation.

“It seems like he really just wants to use it as an excuse, and I’m so over it,” she said. “I’m already doing everything myself. Why should I be carrying around his dead weight, too?”

“Yesterday, I was showing off my progress, wearing pants two sizes smaller than last year and muscle definition in my whole body, and while I was excitedly bouncing around in my smaller clothes, he asked if I was drunk and told me I look silly.”

“I told him I don’t really care what he thinks anymore. Not going to let him put me down and mock me for working on myself while he sits on his behind doing nothing.”

So, here she is, wondering if she should finally pull the trigger and file for divorce. What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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