
She Wants To Call CPS On Her Mom For Making Her Sister Live In A Hoarder House

aerogondo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a 40-year-old mom who is a hoarder; there’s no way around it. Her mom wasn’t always like this, but it began when her mom and her mom’s baby daddy split up.

Her mom gave birth to her little sister six years ago, and right after that, her mom’s baby daddy moved out of the home.

Her mom’s baby daddy has no parental rights, and so her mom has her little sister all the time.

“If my mother wanted to be a hoarder and live in it herself, fine, that’s your deal,” she explained. “I do not want my sister growing up in this environment that is continually getting worse.”

“Not only is she a hoarder, she is a shopaholic (those tend to go hand in hand). Almost every time I come to her house, there are packages waiting at the door.”

“She owns a 4 bedroom, 2 bath house, with a 2 car garage and a shed in the backyard. Every single room is full.”

Her mom’s own bedroom is piled high with stuff. There are hallways in her mom’s home, but even those are covered in various items.

When she goes over to her mom’s house, she has to move things out of the way so she can walk down the halls. Her mom has six different containers of hand soap and eleven loofahs in one bathroom alone.

She and her sister have tried to address the hoarding with her mom many times, and her mom knows she has a problem but won’t solve it.

aerogondo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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