
She Took Her Husband Back Even After He Cheated On Her With Multiple Women, But She Still Asked For A Postnuptial Agreement With An Infidelity Clause

“I am nervous about him being back in university by himself. I asked for a postnuptial agreement, but he got mad and walked out.”

“He insists he will never cheat again as he has learned his lesson. But from my side, if you never cheat again, we will never have to use this postnuptial agreement.”

She made the postnuptial agreement as fair as possible, stating they’d split their assets. However, her husband still doesn’t want to do it.

Now, she wonders if she went too far by asking him to sign, as they’ve worked so hard to reconnect.

Should she feel bad for asking her husband to sign a postnup, or was it a good idea on her end?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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