
She Told Her NYC Roommate To Get Out Of Her House After She Was Forced To Foot Their Entire Rent Bill For Months

“When I asked her [about it], she would just walk away. This happened the next three months until I got enough and sat her down to talk with me.”

When she confronted her roommate about the rent, her roommate began arguing with her, throwing harsh words around.

Her roommate then said it was unfair that she and her fiancé were each paying 32% of the rent while she was paying 35%, which simply was not true, especially over the last three months, when they were left having to pay 100% of the rent.

This made her snap, and she told her roommate to get some help and get out of her home.

Was she too harsh with her roommate, or did she need to kick her out?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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