
She Told Her Boyfriend That Only Taking Baths Was Gross Because He Never Washes His Hair Or Even Uses Any Soap

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 20-year-old woman has a 21-year-old boyfriend, and they currently live together. But, over the last “weeks and weeks,” she’s noticed something shocking about her boyfriend – he only ever takes baths.

According to him, he just enjoys bathing as opposed to showering since it relaxes him, especially because he’s been experiencing a lot of back pain lately.

While this would normally be fine with her, though, she realized how, every single time her boyfriend got out of the bath, his hair was never wet.

“And I asked him if he washes his hair, and he says no,” she recalled.

She, on the other hand, always makes sure to briefly turn on their shower to wash off any remaining sweat or dirt after taking a bath.

So, given the fact that it’s summer and everyone naturally sweats more in the heat, his bathing habit has been seriously grossing her out.

She claimed that her boyfriend never rinses himself off after taking a bath. To her, that’s just nasty since taking a bath means you’re basically just sitting in your own dirty water.

“He doesn’t scrub himself or use soap in the bath either, on top of not washing his hair,” she revealed.

Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore, either, which is why she attempted to gently broach the topic with him. She apparently tried really hard not to be harsh, too. Despite that, her boyfriend just became really upset.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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