
She Thinks Tipping Culture Is Out Of Control And Left Only $3 At A Restaurant Where She Barely Had A Waitress

It took her and her brother around 20 minutes to order, and it was extremely frustrating, as the restaurant QR link made her give them her email address, personal information, and credit card on top of her order.

When the food came out around 30 minutes later, it was poor quality, and she was very angry. Then, when she and her brother were finished, their bill was texted to her. Not once did anyone go up to their table to check on them.

“A tip was required, [and] my brother and I laughed, saying, ‘Who are we tipping, ourselves?'” she recalled.

“We sat ourselves, ordered ourselves, and checked ourselves out. I’m so tired of the industry nowadays. It’s so lazy. What is happening?”

She decided to leave $3 behind for the one person who refilled her and her brother’s waters.

She’s very fed up with tipping expectations these days but wonders if she was rude for only leaving a few bucks at that restaurant.

Should she have left a larger tip, or was it not worth one?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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