
She Thinks Tipping Culture Is Out Of Control And Left Only $3 At A Restaurant Where She Barely Had A Waitress

Zamrznuti tonovi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Nowadays, many people have started getting angry about the tipping system in America, as you can be expected to tip people for just about any and all tasks today.

One woman recently admitted to being fed up with ‘tipping culture’ and only left $3 after a recent restaurant visit.

She’s 24-years-old and has a history in the service industry, as she’s worked as a waitress at three different restaurants.

She feels she has a decent understanding of how tipping should work in this country. If someone is doing a lot of work to provide her with something, like food at a restaurant, she’ll tip them.

However, if hardly anyone is involved in serving her, she doesn’t see the point.

Recently, she had a wild experience at a restaurant with her little brother.

After walking into the restaurant, there was no hostess there to greet them, so they eventually sat themselves.

“After 15 minutes of awkward waiting, the ‘waitress’ approached us and asked why we hadn’t ordered yet,” she recalled.

“Confused, I said no one had taken our order, and she pointed to a QR code and told us to use it. I laughed and asked politely if we could place it through her, as we know our order by heart. She scoffed and told us no.”

Zamrznuti tonovi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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