
She Started Sleeping In A Separate Bedroom Than Her Husband To Get A Better Night’s Rest, But He’s Not Thrilled About Their Sleep Divorce Arrangement 

That’s why she’s hesitant to go back to the way things were. After all, she doesn’t want to give up a better night’s rest just to make their relationship “slightly better.”

She really doesn’t believe it’s right to compromise her sleep, which is a crucial part of her life, just to “go through the motions” and fulfill the expectation married couples are supposed to sleep together.

“I know I am making a tradeoff, though,” she admitted.

So now, she’s not sure if continuing to sleep in a separate bedroom – even though her husband is against it – makes her a real jerk or not.

Do you agree that sleep is an important need to fulfill? How can she handle this situation with her husband? What advice would you give her? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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