
She Said That Her Sister’s Wedding Dress Was Unflattering In Front Of Their Family And Caused Her Sister’s Confidence To Take A Nosedive

Her sister claimed to have been super excited to show everyone the dress she’d picked out and felt like her comment totally “spoiled her happiness.”

Her mom knows about how upset her sister is, too, and thinks she should have just kept her opinion to herself – especially because her sister’s confidence has taken a hit since the get-together.

“I honestly thought I was helping by giving her honest feedback,” she vented.

But now, she can’t help but wonder whether sharing her true opinion on her sister’s wedding dress – and calling it unflattering – was really a jerky move.

If her sister had already purchased the gown, was it appropriate to share her “honest feedback?” How would you feel in her sister’s shoes? What can she do to fix the situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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