
She Said That Her Sister’s Wedding Dress Was Unflattering In Front Of Their Family And Caused Her Sister’s Confidence To Take A Nosedive

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This 27-year-old woman’s older sister, who is 29, is currently engaged and will be tying the knot in just three short months.

So, her sister recently went dress shopping, found her dream wedding dress, and was super excited to show it to their family.

That’s why her sister decided to host a small get-together with everyone. Then, her sister put on the gown and showed it off. But, after seeing the dress, she actually didn’t think it suited her sister well.

“The dress is a mermaid style, and while it’s a beautiful dress, I personally think it doesn’t flatter her body shape as well as some of the other styles she tried on,” she admitted.

Well, rather than keeping her opinion to herself, she actually spoke up and told her sister what she really thought.

More specifically, her sister first asked everyone in the room what they thought about the gown. At that point, practically everyone began gushing over her sister – saying how amazing her sister looked.

“But I didn’t want to lie, so I gently said that while the dress was beautiful, I thought another style she had tried on earlier looked even better on her,” she recalled.

Plus, she claimed that her sister might want to consider trying on a couple of more dresses just to be completely sure about her decision.

If you couldn’t have guessed, her input wound up making her sister visibly upset. After the get-together, her sister also texted her – accusing her of ruining the big moment.

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