
She Reportedly Left Her Florida Home To Meet A Friend In 2010 But Never Returned And Has Now Been Missing For Over 14 Years

Facebook - pictured above is Laurel

Laurel Lea Rogers was born on June 4, 1981, but after she turned 16, she was diagnosed with lupus – a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks its own organs and tissues.

Additionally, Laurel also had fibromyalgia, which causes widespread pain throughout the body.

So, by the time she was 28-years-old in 2010, she had been on 10 prescription medications for 12 years in order to ease her chronic pain.

But none of Laurel’s loved ones expected what happened on February 1, 2010, when Laurel vanished after leaving home to meet up with a friend.

At the time, she was living in Port Orange, Florida, on Horizon View Boulevard. And that day, she was last seen at her home at about 5:20 p.m. by her brother, John Peterson.

John reportedly headed outside to work out in their backyard when Laurel took her purse and left.

“She ended up getting ready to leave. I said bye to her. She said bye. Only had her purse with her. Definitely [intended] on coming right back,” recalled John.

Then, someone supposedly picked Laurel up from her residence. However, she never made it back home and hasn’t been seen or heard from in over 14 years.

Laurel also vanished without any of her medications, which had all been left at her home.

Facebook – pictured above is Laurel

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