
She Reported Her Friend For Claiming To Run An Animal Charity When She Actually Just Has A Tiny House Filled With Neglected Animals

Emma and Grace’s operation was so bad that she decided she needed to take action.

She called an animal rescue who told her she’d need to present them with some kind of evidence of the animal abuse going on.

However, she lives far from Emma and Grace and hasn’t spoken to either one of them since visiting their house, so she doubts she’ll be able to go back and film the inside.

“I called non-emergency police, and they said that they don’t help with animal neglect or hoarding, and it’s down to the rescue centers to help,” she explained.

“So now I’m completely stuck. I’m thinking about outing and spreading this scam charity over social media, as I’ve got to get those animals out of there.”

Should she continue to try to save Emma and Grace’s animals?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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