
She Reported Her Friend For Claiming To Run An Animal Charity When She Actually Just Has A Tiny House Filled With Neglected Animals

Elena Arkadova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual animals

Do you know someone with a bad habit of taking in stray animals even though they don’t have the proper means to give them the best life? While it’s great that these people care about animals, forcing them into a home with less than great accommodations can be selfish and harmful.

One woman recently decided to report her friend and her partner for trying to claim they were running an “animal charity” when it’s actually just a tiny house overcrowded with neglected animals.

She has a friend named Emma, who lives with her partner, Grace. They live in a tiny house with around 15 different domesticated animals, from your standard household pets to a handful of farm animals. She compared it to Noah’s Ark but on steroids.

To make matters worse, Emma and Grace don’t have a nice yard where all their animals can roam. They’re all crammed in the house. Yet Emma and Grace have labeled their lifestyle as an animal charity.

“They have officially made their ‘animal charity’ into a company of their own,” she said.

“I once went to their house, and it was in really bad condition. No toys; all the animals looked bored and hated each other.”

She noticed the house was covered in stains from the animals going to the bathroom inside, and the conditions were hazardous.

Now, Emma and Grace are going around to events, schools, fundraisers, etc., trying to collect funds for their “charity,” and the people giving them money have no idea how poorly the animals are treated.

The day she visited Emma’s house, she decided to end their friendship, as she couldn’t see herself being friends with someone who would force innocent animals to live in that house.

Elena Arkadova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual animals

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