
She Replaced Her Maid Of Honor After They Got Into A Heated Argument Over Who Should Pay For Her Dress

shevtsovy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

In fifth grade, this woman met her best friend, and they’ve been close ever since. They did drift apart during college since she moved away and her best friend didn’t, but they spent time together when she came home to visit.

This September, she’s getting married, and she asked her best friend to be her Maid Of Honor. Several months ago, she went dress shopping with her best friend and the rest of the girls she asked to be her bridesmaids.

She and her bridal party are all in their mid-20s and have good jobs. None of them have kids. Her wedding is happening in a town where her best friend and a handful of her bridesmaids don’t live, so she’s paying for all of them to have a hotel room.

“The dress shopping trip was out of town, so I paid for the 2 hotel rooms while we were there, and I drove; my mom brought my MOH and a couple of other bridesmaids since they still live in my hometown,” she explained.

“For the dresses, my only requirement for them was that they had to be a specific blue color and no satin material.”

“We spent the whole afternoon trying on dresses, and everyone found one they liked, including my MOH.”

Her best friend selected a $350 dress, while her bridesmaids picked out ones that cost between $100 to $150.

The following morning, they were relaxing at the hotel pool, and then her best friend started complaining to one of the bridesmaids about having to come up with the money for her dress.

Her best friend said she should actually be the one paying for it as the bride. Her best friend made her opinion clear: the bride should have to pay if they’re all expected to wear specific dresses.

shevtsovy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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