
She Refused To Sit Between Her Sister And Brother-In-Law During A Four-Hour Flight Since They’re Both Larger People And She Didn’t Want To Feel Squished

While she loves Laura and Paul, they’re both big people. Laura is around 275 pounds, and Paul is around 300. She feels that sitting between them on a four-hour flight would be quite uncomfortable, and she’d rather have a bit of space.

Instead of calling Laura back and explaining that to her up front, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

“I went on the airline website myself and booked my own seat, an aisle seat, close to the front,” she recalled.

“I also purposely chose a row that already had its window seat booked so that Laura and Paul couldn’t buy the tickets next to me and pressure me into swapping later on.”

She then texted Laura to let her know that she already bought her own ticket because she really wanted an aisle seat and sent her the confirmation.

Unfortunately, Laura was not happy. She called her selfish and said she wanted them to spend quality time together on the flight. Then, Laura said she would’ve given her the aisle seat in her and Paul’s row if she wanted it that badly, but she doubts that would actually happen.

Later, she got a call from her mom, who had just spoken to an emotional Laura. Laura told their mom she switched seats because she thought Laura was too fat.

“I never said anything about that to Laura, but I’m not surprised she inferred it,” she added.

“My mom says that I should’ve just sucked it up and sat in the middle, for my sister’s sake, since I already know that flying is uncomfortable for her and Paul.”

Was she being rude by booking her own ticket, or did Laura overreact?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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