
She Refused To Sit Between Her Sister And Brother-In-Law During A Four-Hour Flight Since They’re Both Larger People And She Didn’t Want To Feel Squished

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When you’re sitting on a plane for longer than one to two hours, you can only hope to be in a seat that lets you be as comfortable as possible.

One woman recently got into an argument with her sister after she refused to book plane tickets with her and her husband for a wedding because she’d have to sit in the middle seat, and they’re both large people.

She’s 23 and has a 26-year-old sister named Laura, who’s married to her husband, Paul.

This fall, she and her family, including Laura and Paul, will be attending her brother’s destination wedding. They have to get on a flight that’s four hours long.

Since her city is in the middle of where Laura and Paul live and the wedding venue, the couple plans to stay with her for a few days beforehand; then, they’ll all depart for the wedding on the same day.

Last weekend, while she and Laura were on the phone, Laura told her she’d book theirs and Paul’s flights on the same reservation, and she could Venmo her money for her ticket.

“I told her that wasn’t necessary, and I could just book my own ticket, but she insisted that I allow her to do it so that she, Paul, and I could all sit together,” she explained.

“She then laughed and said, ‘Hope you don’t mind the middle seat!’ and I asked her why I would be sitting in the middle.”

She figured Laura and Paul would want to sit together, but she explained that they prefer aisle and window seats. Then, a dreadful feeling came over her.

06photo – – illustrative purposes only

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