
She Put Her Teen Twin Girls On A Diet, But One Of Them Is Complaining It’s Not Fair

annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This mom has two 14-year-old girls who are identical twins, and their names are Alana and Megan. Both girls are 5’0″ tall, but they are drastically different weights.

Alana is 95 pounds, while Megan is more than 150 pounds. The twins weighed the same until seven years ago.

Back then, Megan started getting a bit chubbier, but she still was considered to be a healthy weight. By the time Megan hit 11, she was medically overweight.

“I went to a doctor for advice, and he said that I shouldn’t worry too much since a lot of kids gain weight right before puberty and then ‘balance out’ after their growth spurt,” she explained.

Last year, Megan and Alana hit their growth spurt, but Megan’s weight only ballooned after that. Currently, Megan is classified as obese.

She then figured she should take matters into her own hands and put both of the girls on a diet in order to help Megan get healthy.

She has gone on to see several doctors, seeking answers about why Megan and Alana are so different, but all the professionals she seeks out insist the girls don’t have any medical conditions causing them to be like this.

“I slowly started to cut back on sugar, junk food, and unhealthy snacks,” she said. “I cook them high-volume, low-calorie meals full of vegetables and protein so that they still feel full after eating.”

Megan and Alana aren’t athletic, so she’s been doing her best to get the girls moving around. She’s encouraged them to participate in things like biking, swimming, and bouncing on a trampoline.

annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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