
She Promised Her Son $15,000 For His Wedding And Expected To Invite 30 Of Her Own Friends To The Event, But He And His Fiancée Think That’s Unfair

artmim - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman feels like her son is her best friend, so when he decided to propose to his now-fiancée – her future daughter-in-law – she was thrilled for the happy couple.

Then, once the wedding planning began, she and her husband decided to tell their son and his fiancée that they’d like to contribute $15,000.

“My son and daughter-in-law were very excited and thankful, as they were not expecting this help from us,” she recalled.

“From there, I started working with my daughter-in-law to plan the wedding, with my input, as I was financially contributing.”

However, just a few months later, things took a turn for the worse when she decided to go on her daughter-in-law’s invite list and add 30 of her own friends as guests. Her daughter-in-law obviously noticed, too, and called her afterward – asking if she really needed to invite so many friends.

Her daughter-in-law also claimed that they were trying to keep the guest list under 100 people for budget purposes.

Well, she told her daughter-in-law that since she and her husband were contributing money to the wedding, they expected they would be allowed to invite their friends.

At that point, her daughter-in-law said she did anticipate that some of their friends would be invited but figured it would only be about five to 10 additional people – not a group of 30. While they were having this discussion, her daughter-in-law also apparently started crying, and they wound up ending the phone call.

Still, the drama was far from over because a few days later, her son called her “complaining” about how they’d been counting on the $15,000 contribution while planning their wedding for the past few months. Her son also accused her of never telling them that she and her husband wanted to invite so many friends.

artmim – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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