
She Planned To Host A Super Bowl Party In 2020, But She Vanished Before Her Guests Arrived, Leaving Behind Food In The Oven And Her Cell Phone On The Counter

Olesya - - illustrative purposes only

As a child, Mary Abbie Flynn – who just went by “Abbie” to those who knew her – grew up in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Then, by the time she was 59-years-old in 2020, she was a retired nurse with three adult children – one of whom was living in New York, while the other two were attending college.

Abbie’s friends and loved ones called her a lover of the great outdoors, as she was an avid hiker and nature photographer.

Abbie was also married to her husband Richard, who worked as a radiologist in Houston, Texas. So, Abbie often split her time between their primary residence in Houston and her vacation home located on Saint Louis Avenue in Gloucester, Massachusetts.

That’s why, on February 2, 2020, Abbie was at her Gloucester home and planned to host a Super Bowl party. But, even though her guests arrived, Abbie was nowhere to be found, and she has been missing ever since.

That day, Abbie spoke to her son on the phone at about 4:00 p.m. after completing most of her Super Bowl party dinner preparations. During their conversation, she reportedly told her son that she might take a walk near Gloucester Harbor before her guests arrived.

Less than two hours later, just before 6:00 p.m., two of Abbie’s guests showed up to watch the Super Bowl. However, Abbie wasn’t there.

Following her walk, she never returned home and was never seen or heard from again. After Abbie’s party guests failed to get in touch with her, they became worried and ultimately contacted the Gloucester Police Department to report her missing.

That same day, authorities began looking for Abbie – extensively searching the surrounding area where she might’ve vanished. Investigators combed local trails, wooded areas, and the seashore. But, no evidence of her whereabouts was found.

As party guests arrived at Abbie’s home, there was still food in the oven, and her cell phone was just sitting on the kitchen counter. Additionally, Abbie’s wallet, keys, and pet dog were left behind.

Olesya – – illustrative purposes only

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