
She Overheard Her Best Friend Confess That She’d Sleep With Her Fiancé If Given The Opportunity, So She Kicked Her Friend Out Of Her House

“I didn’t hear any of their nonsense and kicked them out of my house,” she revealed.

Since then, their entire friend group has been torn over the situation. Some friends are completely on her side and believe she did the right thing; meanwhile, others are siding with Gina and accusing her of overreacting.

Apparently, they keep saying that friends make these “types of jokes” around weddings and that it’s nothing serious.

“They also said I need to grow up because I acted like a child and am throwing away a childhood friendship over some pity jokes,” she vented.

So now, she’s been left wondering if ending her friendship with Gina over the inappropriate comments about her fiancé was justified or really an overreaction.

How would you feel if your best friend said such things? Was her reaction understandable? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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