
She Moved Too Fast With Her Boyfriend And Wants Him To Move Out

Yuliia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Back in high school, this 35-year-old woman met her ex-husband and they were married for 15 long years.

Last year, her ex-husband cheated on her in a way that she says was traumatic as well as dangerous.

She has since been left with a lot of trauma she’s been trying to deal with. When she and her ex-husband broke up, she attempted to plan out a future for herself, and it was the first time she was single in her adult years.

“I had absolutely no intention of settling down,” she explained. “About 4 months after the split, I met John very unexpectedly.”

“He totally swept me off my feet and loved me in the way I had been needing for so long that I wasn’t getting in my marriage.”

“I thought I was doing alright considering everything (I know now that I was just super disassociated). I’m normally really scared of heights, and I actually went skydiving and literally didn’t feel anything while doing it.”

Then, her mom sadly passed away from cancer, which only added to her struggles in life, as her mom was truly her best friend.

And then, she moved in with John. She was hesitant to do so, as she knew they were moving too quickly, but she rationalized her decision easily: they already were spending every single night together.

She also listened to people who were telling her it made more sense to pay one rent instead of two.

Yuliia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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