She Lied About Her Mom Dying To A Nail Tech, Got A Free Manicure, And Feels Incredibly Guilty About It

Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

There are a lot of people out there who have told a little white lie to get something done for free. If you’re reading this and have done that, know you are not alone.

However, even if it was a little white lie, you can’t help but feel guilty afterward.

One woman is feeling guilty after she told her local nail salon employees her mom died even though she hadn’t, and her manicure was comped.

She’s been going to the same nail salon for years and gets the same gel manicure whenever she goes.

The nail salon employees encourage her to refresh her gel nails every two weeks, but after getting them for a while, she knows they can last from three to four weeks.

In between her last and most recent manicures, her aunt, who was practically like a second mother to her, passed away, and she was devastated.

Because of everything she was going through, she ignored her nails for 27 days. When she got home from visiting family for the funeral, she booked a nail appointment at the salon.

“Immediately when I sat down, I told the nail tech I [was] sorry, [and that] it had been four weeks and I needed a few repairs,” she recalled.

“Over the next 15 minutes, she said at least five times, ‘You must come every two weeks.'”

Viacheslav Yakobchuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

She tried reasoning with the nail tech, telling her she knew she was due for a manicure but was going through a hard time.

Unfortunately, the nail tech continued to scold her and make her feel bad, to the point where she snapped and yelled, “I’m sorry, the next time my mom dies, I’ll make sure to make my nails a priority!”

She began crying in the salon and almost walked out until the nail tech and salon owner calmed her down and finished her manicure.

Then, she realized she had lied to the nail tech and said her mom had died, not her aunt. She figured the heat of the moment messed her up, and since her aunt was like her mom, it came out that way.

“There was a lot of apologizing [from] the tech and the owner, and we finished the manicure,” she added.

“When it was done, I reached for my wallet, and the owner told me there was no charge. I told him I wanted to pay for the service, and he told me that another customer had overheard me and had paid for my manicure.”

“Now, I feel incredibly guilty. I don’t know if the other customer would have paid if I said my aunt died, and now I also don’t feel like I can go back to that salon because I lied about my mom.”

Should she feel guilty for accidentally saying her mom died, or is it no big deal?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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