
She Kicked Her Little Brother Out Of A Family Dinner After He Threw Her Dessert On The Ground And Made A Scene Because She Refused To Raise His Monthly Allowance

“I yelled at him to get out of the restaurant and kicked him out.”

She felt terrible for the restaurant staff, who would’ve had to clean up the mess, so she got on the floor and did it herself. Before leaving, she paid for her food and left $50 for the tip.

Unfortunately, she’s not getting much support from her parents after the incident, which she thought clearly displayed her brother’s entitlement.

“My partner says I did nothing wrong, but my parents are telling me to apologize and give my little brother $300 instead of $200 because of my mistake,” she added.

Should she consider giving her brother any more money, or was he rude to ask for it?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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