
She Kicked Her Boyfriend Out After He Gave Her Cat Away Behind Her Back

uladzimirzuyeu  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat
uladzimirzuyeu - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

As a proud dog mom, I always tell my friends and family that I know I’ll have found my soulmate when I meet someone who is just as, or at least almost as crazy about my dog as I am.

But when your partner doesn’t like your pet, things can get very disappointing very quickly.

One woman is at a loss for what to do after her boyfriend gave her pet cat away while she was out of town.

She’s 23 and was with her 25-year-old boyfriend for two years, and they lived together for a year.

When she and her boyfriend moved in together, she had to take her beloved pet cat, Luna, with her.

“I’ve had Luna since she was a kitten,” she explained.

“She’s been my companion through a lot of tough times, and I love her dearly. My boyfriend, however, is not a cat person. He never liked Luna much but tolerated her for my sake.”

Recently, she noticed her boyfriend was complaining about Luna more than usual. At one point, he said she was “too much trouble” and mentioned he thought it’d be a good idea to find her a new home.

She told her boyfriend there was no way she’d ever get rid of Luna and reminded him of how important Luna was to her.

uladzimirzuyeu – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

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