
She Had To Escape Her Host Family’s House While Studying Abroad In France

andreykr - - illustrative purposes only

As summertime kicks into full gear, a lot of young people will be planning trips abroad. Many of those people are students going to a new country to study abroad for the summer.

A lot of people choose to stay with ‘host’ families from different countries during their study abroad experiences.

Host families are typically very helpful in helping their guest students adapt to their country and give them a home away from home.

Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. One woman currently studying abroad in France shocked her TikTok audience after posting videos about how she had to “escape” from her nightmarish host family.

Jenna Jean (@jennajean8) is a 27-year-old American student studying abroad in France. In a series of TikTok videos, Jenna documented her escaping from a host family her school paid to house and feed her during her time abroad and explained why she needed to leave.

Jenna was paired with a host family by the school she enrolled in to learn French. She traveled alone from the United States and knew no one in France.

Red flags began popping up from Jenna’s host family as soon as she arrived in France around 8:00 am.

The host couple told her she wouldn’t be allowed in their home until 8:00 pm. There was no one to pick her up from the airport, and she had to find a way to occupy herself for 12 hours.

Jenna recalls feeling lonely and overwhelmed to the point where she was ready for a hug and warm energy when she arrived at her host family’s home. However, she never got one and was given a very cold greeting by the husband and wife.

andreykr – – illustrative purposes only

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