
She Got Swallowed By Quicksand While Walking On A Beach, And Luckily, Her Husband Was Able To Save Her

A spokesperson for the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry named Jim Britt stated that the sand at this beach was supersaturated.

It is unlikely that the sand will pull a person completely under. He added that climate change played a role in creating quicksand-like conditions.

Several winter storms caused river water to flow into sandy areas where beachgoers often frequented. Because the sand is now saturated with water, it has become more unstable and can make people sink into it.

If you or someone else finds themselves trapped in supersaturated sand, the best thing to do is stay calm and lean forward or backward in a floating position.

It will help disperse your weight and allow you to move more freely. Experts state that the same advice applies to falling through a hole in the ice in winter.

At Popham Beach, visitors are now encouraged to check with staff for the latest updates on the conditions of the area and safety tips, which can be particularly helpful for people who are not familiar with the beach.

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