
She Found Out Her Husband Was Secretly Sending His Family $2,000 A Month From Their Joint Bank Account, So She Canceled The Auto-Payments And Got Called Selfish

“When I expressed my feelings, my husband got defensive and accused me of being selfish and not understanding his obligations to his family,” she recalled.

“I told him he had no obligation of any sort, that he had an obligation toward paying off his debt, and if he wanted to send money to his family, he could pay them with money he was earning, not my check.”

“I canceled the auto-payments, and his mother and sister called to ask what happened. He’s mad that I stopped the payments and [said] his family is after him to return to sending the monthly payments.”

Since then, her husband has been guilt-tripping her for not helping his family.

Should she feel guilty for stopping her husband’s payments, or was it the right thing to do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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