Categories: Relationships

She Feels As If She Doesn’t Know Her Fiancé After She Uncovered The Lies He Told Her About His First Marriage

Bre Avery Zacharski

For just over a year now, this 31-year-old woman has been with her 38-year-old fiancé. They just got engaged and have been discussing the details of their perfect wedding day.

Now, this will be her fiancé’s second marriage. She knows her fiancé was married before her and has kids with his ex-wife, and that has never been a problem for her.

“In fact, I’ve been the one encouraging him to take her back to court, believing she was violating custody, but my fiancé was always adamant that she was “too horrible” and would make things “extremely difficult,” she explained.

“He always talked about how much he missed his kids, how she just up and left him one day and traveled across the country with the kids, and how he wished he could have a life with his kids.”

Her fiancé informed her that his ex-wife left him one day out of the blue and prevents him from seeing his kids to this day.

He has also mentioned that his ex-wife takes everything he makes each month for child support. She trusted what her fiancé said, and she wanted to think she could do something to help him reconnect with his children.

She went online and figured out a way to contact her fiancé’s ex-wife, as she really was hoping to include her children in their wedding.

“She, very rightly so, told me she didn’t wish to discuss her ex and to not contact her anymore,” she said.

“When I told my fiancé I contacted her, he was cold with me for days. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that either she or he was hiding something from me.”

Lena Ivanova – – illustrative purposes only

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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