Categories: Relationships

She Feels As If She Doesn’t Know Her Fiancé After She Uncovered The Lies He Told Her About His First Marriage

Bre Avery Zacharski

So, she turned back to the internet to dig up her fiancé’s divorce records, as they are public information.

When she came across all of the paperwork, she was shocked to uncover that her fiancé has been lying to her. His ex-wife isn’t violating a single thing.

As she kept on reading, she learned some disturbing details. Her fiancé’s ex-wife is 26, and they had a 7-year-old and 5-year-old child together; her fiancé never met the youngest.

“She was granted an order of protection, full custody, and he has no right to have any contact with the children,” she continued.

“Further, he doesn’t even pay the court-ordered child support. He fought it until his ex finally gave in and allowed him to pay pennies as a “direct payment” to keep things off the books.”

“I feel like I don’t even know him anymore. Do I even bring it up to him that I know that he’s been lying to me? How would I even bring it up? I’m conflicted if I even want to be with someone who hid such a big part of their past from me. We just sent out save the dates. Is this even salvageable?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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